Food for Soul

Food for Soul

It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ 
Matthew 4:4
  (King James Version)

Hello and welcome to the Food for Soul section.

It’s been a tremendous privilege for me to share the delicious recipes I have learnt over the years and I thank each and every one of my supporters for the feedbacks and comments given to me. I always believe that the recipes I present will be a blessing to all of you.

As written above, there is a much more important part of our life, that is our Soul. Our soul needs the living manna i.e. the word of God to be strengthened and nourished daily. In Matthew 16:26, Jesus asks what good it is for a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul. To gain the whole world is to receive all the world has to offer—money, fame, pleasure, power, prestige, etc. To lose one’s soul is to die without a right relationship with Christ and spend an eternity in the lake of fire.

Keeping this in mind, I am sharing with you the ‘Food for Soul’ section which is at the end of every recipe video. I pray each ‘Food for Soul’ will be a blessing to all of my dear readers and help you to grow closer to God and know how much he loves and cares for you.

God bless You!!

Calm Cuisine © Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.