Salted Caramel Sauce


Search no more for the best salted caramel sauce recipe. There are two ways we can prepare caramel sauce : Wet method and Dry method. Here i am showing you the Wet method of cooking up this delicious and yummy Salted caramel sauce which you can drizzle over fruits and dessert.

Salted Caramel Sauce

Servings 1 cup
Cook Time 15 mins
Total Time 15 mins


  • 1 cup Granulated Sugar
  • ½ cup Water
  • 60 gm Salted butter
  • ½ cup Heavy whipping cream 3/4 cup if your prefer a slightly looser sauce
  • ¼ tsp Salt For salted caramel sauce use 1/2 tsp – 1 tsp
  • 1 tsp Vanilla essence


  • Add granulated sugar to a saucepan and pour in the water. Turn the flame on medium heat till the sugar dissolves.
  • Add butter. Turn the heat to LOW. (Do not stir. Occasionally swirl the pan to ensure even cooking. Do not leave the stove while cooking caramel. Each step is crucial.)
  • It will take approx. 15 mins to achieve a deep amber colour. Be careful not to burn the sugar.
  • Once it turns into the deep amber color, immediately take it off the heat and add heavy cream and stir. 
  • CAUTION: The caramel is extremely hot so make sure to keep a safe distance while pouring the cream and use a long enough spatula to stir. The pan should be large enough to prevent overflowing when it bubbles up.
  • Add required salt and vanilla essence and stir. When slightly cooled transfer to a glass jar. The sauce will thicken more upon cooling and refrigeration.
  • Delicious and addictive Salted Caramel sauce is ready to Enjoy as a dip for fruits, on top of ice cream or cakes. :))


  • Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
  • Before using, take the required portion and heat up in the microwave for 10- 20 seconds or place the glass jar into hot water so that the caramel sauce liquefies.
  • Freeze for later in freezer-proof jars for up to 2 months.
Course: Dessert, Dips
Cuisine: American
Keyword: homemade caramel topping, ice cream topping recipe, salted caramel topping

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Food for Soul

“… but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
– John 4:14 NKJV

A mirage is when your eyes play tricks on you and you think that you see water, but in reality there is nothing there. Most often this will happen in a hot dry desert or a wilderness where your need for water is at its greatest. Many have died of thirst trying to reach water that wasn’t there, they followed a mirage until they died.

In the wilderness of this world there are a lot of things that look like a cool refreshing drink of water, but in reality they are nothing, they are only mirages. They promise to satisfy but the closer you get to them, the further away satisfaction seems to be. Some of these mirages are things like; success, relationships, money, drugs, and entertainment. None of these things will ultimately satisfy.

In contrast to all of this is what our Lord Jesus Christ gives us. Jesus is no mirage, He is the real thing. Only He can satisfy our every thirst. Only He can satisfy our every longing. Only He can give us the abundant waters of everlasting life. All who are thirsty come to Him and drink. Receive what only He can give.  

God bless you!

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