Lemon Ginger Detox Drink


This is a really tasty and refreshing drink, which not only hydrates and improves your digestion but also offers many wonderful detoxing benefits. Its not a magic drink but will work wonders for you if you also follow a balanced diet or during fasting.
*Alkalizes the body *Sheds excess weight *Flushes lymph fluid *Purifies the blood *Rev up the metabolism *Controls appetite *Strengthens the immune system

In the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, people who drank lemon juice four times a day while fasting experienced reduced body fat mass and improved lipid profile.

Why is Detoxification important?

As the name suggests, detoxing aims to help the body rid itself of toxins. The human body has many natural pathways to allow detoxification through liver, sweat, urine, faeces and more. But fast urbanization and exposure to pollutants, heavy metals, preservatives and pesticides has taken the average toxin consumption by human beings to an all-time high. These toxins get stored in tissues and cells of our bodies and manifest in harmful metabolic, reproductive and mental health effects. In serious cases, these toxins can also lead to cancerous consequences. By detoxing your body you help the vital organs cleanse themselves of the toxins, and enable the liver to function appropriately in excreting them.

If you’re struggling to melt that stubborn belly fat, drinking lemon and cucumber water may help you do the job while also flushing out toxins from your body.

**Lemons are a natural detoxifier. They help to cleanse the body by flushing out toxins, whilst also boosting your immune system and aiding better digestion.

**Mint is also good for digestion and provides a touch of sweetness without the sugar. Mint stimulates the digestive enzymes, soothes the belly and aids in digestion (and adds a great flavour!)

**Cucumbers are 96% water, so they provide a subtle flavour and extra hydration. Cucumbers contain lots of vitamin A (antioxidants), C and B vitamins. They are known for flushing out toxins! In addition, the electrolytes in cucumbers can reduce water retention!

**Ginger is Anti-inflammatory- Nausea disappears – Reduction of muscle pain – Promotes bowel movements – Lessens Menstrual pain – Lowers cholesterol – Boosts the Immune System

**Black salt or kala namak is natural rock salt, it owes its rich dark colour to all the iron and other essential minerals that it contains. The salt takes on a light pink tone when ground into a fine powder. Aids weight loss – Preventing painful muscle spasms -Treats acidity -Laxative benefits – Promotes healthy hair

Detoxification drink | Lemon Ginger detox water

Servings 2 ltr
Prep Time 10 mins
Total Time 10 mins


  • 1 nos Lemon Sliced ( You can use 2 Limes instead)
  • 1 nos Cucumber sliced
  • 4 sprigs Mint leaves
  • 2 inch Ginger grated
  • 2 ltrs Water
  • a pinch Black salt


  • Let the lemon, cucumber, mint leaves, ginger infuse in the water overnight.
  • To drink, stir in a pinch of black salt and Enjoy, first thing in the morning. You can have this water through out the day.
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: American, Indian, Japanese
Keyword: detox water, fat loss drink, health drink, kidney detox drink, liver detox drink, Quick & Easy

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Food for Soul

We seem to be able to easily recognize the need for physical detoxification and can buy fruit juices and medicines to get the job done, our need for physical detoxification pales in comparison with our often unrecognized need for spiritual detoxification. 

You see when we come to know Christ, we get a clean slate, a new start. In the rush of excitement about our new life, it’s easy to keep our minds centered on Christ and we are diligent in filling ourselves with good things. We devour our Bibles, faithfully attend church services and Bible studies and we read, listen to and watch things that build us up on this new journey. 

But as in anything new, sooner or later our diligence wears off. Christ is still a big part of our life for sure, but somewhere along the way we relax our guard and soon start to ingest all sorts of toxins. From the TV shows and movies we watch because “we can handle it” to the music we listen to because “it’s won’t affect us” to the conversations we have because we are so desperate to fit back into the world to the thoughts we allow to creep into our minds because we get too desensitized to notice that they shouldn’t be there, it doesn’t take too long before our hearts are affected as everything we put into ourselves does one of two things. It either feeds the spirit or it feds the flesh and when the flesh is fed, instead of dying and staying dead, it grows and will consume anything in its path. 

In Matthew 15:19 Jesus said “For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying and slander.” 

If our hearts are filled with junk, our lives are going to produce junk. But if our hearts are filled with goodness and the things of God, that is exactly what our lives are going to produce. 

So how do we do a spiritual detox? Well it starts with recognizing and confessing to God the things in our lives that don’t belong.

But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. – 1 John 1:9

Jesus actually does a clean up job on the inside. It’s like we’ve downed the ultimate detox juice that works its way inside and flushes out all of the garbage that has built up.

For some that mean deleting some songs off of their iPod. For others that might mean establishing accountability. For others that might mean avoiding certain places or people. For all of us it means renewing our minds. This means filtering everything we think and dismissing, not dwelling, on the thoughts that don’t belong.

When Christ isn’t at the center of it all, we leave way too much room for other garbage to come crashing in. 

God is with you!!

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