Swiss Roll Ice Cream Cake | Bombe Cake | Dome Ice Cream cake


Dome-shaped ice cream cake 'aka' Bombe cake recipe using store-bought Jam swiss rolls and 3-ingredient No churn ice cream with swirls of strawberry sauce marbling through. It is so simple to make but definitely looks fancy. It only takes 10 minutes to make!
Try this out at your next get-together or birthday party and impress your relatives and friends.

Swiss Roll Ice Cream Cake | Dome Cake | Bombe Cake

Servings 12
Prep Time 10 mins
Freeze 6 hrs
Total Time 6 hrs 10 mins


  • 4 no's Jam Swiss Roll 110 gm packs
  • 1/2 cup Strawberry Sauce/Strawberry jam or more

For Homemade vanilla ice cream

  • 500 ml Heavy cream / whipping cream
  • 1 can Sweetened Condensed milk 397g
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract/essence


  • Line a 2 ltr freezer safe bowl with cling film, making sure to leave over hangs.
    bowl lined for cake preparation
  • Slice the store-bought jam Swiss rolls into less than an inch pieces and line the bowl with the same.
    swiss rolls layered on bowl
  • Squeeze some strawberry sauce into the gaps using a piping bag or spoon. (this step is optional).
    strawberry put in gaps
  • For the homemade ice cream, beat the heavy cream to soft peaks. Add in vanilla extract, and sweetened condensed milk and give it a mix.
    beating cream for cake
  • Pour the ice cream mixture into the Swiss roll mold alternating with dollops of strawberry sauce. Create swirls using a butter knife.
    ice cream and strawberry sauce on swiss roll cake
  • Cover the cake properly with the over-hanging cling film and freeze till set. (best kept overnight)
    cover cake with cling film
  • Thaw the cake for at least 10 min before trying to take it out of the mold. Invert in onto a serving platter or plate. Then let it thaw again for 10-15 min so that it becomes sliceable.
    thaw swiss roll ice cream cake
  • Slice and Enjoy 🙂
    piece of swiss roll ice cream cake on saucer


  • You can also use store-bought vanilla ice cream instead of making it.
  • Check out the recipe for homemade strawberry sauce at the following link: For this ice cream cake recipe,  I have pureed the sauce.
  • Feel free to experiment with other flavors. For eg. Vanilla swiss rolls with mango or vanilla ice cream with swirls of mango puree. 
Course: Dessert
Keyword: bombe cake, cakes, dome cake, icecreamcakes, strawberry cake, swissrollcake, swissrolls

Did you make this recipe?

I really hope you guys will make this try this special recipe at home and if you do, don’t forget to tag me on Instagram (@shebascalmcuisine) and use the hashtag #calmcuisine. Happy cooking :)!

Food for Soul

We all deeply connect with the idea of feeling known, accepted, and ultimately, loved, and are searching for it…maybe in all the wrong places. But more often than not, we look for it in good things: a relationship, our career, a success or goal met, our family, the next adventure or “big” thing on the horizon. We may readily run to these things to fill us with a sense of love and acceptance, but there’s a void of dissatisfaction wherever earthly love has taken residence in us where only divine love will do.

There are a lot of “good” loves, but only one heavenly Great Love. Only the love of God in Christ Jesus will satisfy continually the innermost depths of our hearts, minds, and souls, to the brim and overflowing both now and forever.

In the love that Jesus had for you, ” there was a cross on which he died” to show his love for you.

God loves you, my friend! 

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